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 7 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Otto Theodor Leyde"Advanced Search
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'James Clarke Hook, R.A.', after J.E.Millais, R.A. ', c1880-83. Creator: Otto Theodor Leyde.
'Caller Herrin' ', after James Clarke Hook, R.A.', c1880-83. Creator: Otto Theodor Leyde.
'The Nearest Way to School', after James Clarke Hook, R.A.', c1880-83. Creator: Otto Theodor Leyde.
James Clarke Hook, RA, 1884., 1884. Creator: Otto Theodor Leyde.
'Caller Herrin', c1880-1882.Artist: Otto Theodor Leyde
James Clarke Hook, British artist, c1880-1882.Artist: Otto Theodor Leyde
'The Nearest Way to School', c1880-1882.Artist: Otto Theodor Leyde